I’d buy that for a buck! Check out RoboCop by Rafa Orrico Díez

I’d buy that for a buck! Check out RoboCop by Rafa Orrico Díez

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

From San Jose, California, it's time to change the way you interact with the world using the most personalized mobile AI experience yet, only from Samsung Galaxy. Join the conversation in the comments below.

AI Agents for Everyone and Artificial Intelligence Bootcamp

Moved into a New Home - Need Advice

Rented a place where I was using Fiber Optic (Verizon) with a Google Nest router. I now live in a townhouse and the HOA only offers Xfinity. I will need to get a Xfinity modem and hope to still use my Google Nest router. TBH I have no idea what I am looking at and seeking some advice on if I can get rid of any cables and make room for the modem. How will connection be affected if the modem and router are in the garage and should I consider moving this to inside the home?

i need help from the experts

is anyone who has built up their island can visit mine and give me tips? i can send you my dream address but i feel stuck on terraforming rn and running out of ideas for empty spaces!

Pay range of a Patient Care Technician in Austin?

Hello, Asking this for a friend, but what is the typical pay range for a Patient Care Technician in Austin? My friend is considering a career change but wants to maintain the same salary so he can still afford his bills lol. Googling seems to suggest that it is between 17-23 dollars per hour. Is this correct? Thank you!

The Java Learning Guide

Could someone tell me what im supposed to do without giving the solution?

The Web Front End Learning Guide

Necesito recomendaciones de adiestramiento cachorros en Santiago

Tengo un enano de 3 meses mezcla pastor alemán con pastor belga malinois que es súper inteligente y obediente (cuando hay comida de por medio), pero este cabro nos muerde como quiere 💀. He tratado varios métodos de r/puppy101 pero no sé si los estoy haciendo mal o qué onda, pero no he visto ningún progeso en el mes que lo hemos tenido. Por esto, me gustaría tener una sesión presencial con un entrenador que use la técnica del reforzamiento positivo. Sin embargo, los únicos que he encontrado venden el paquete completo y son casi 200-300 lucas (💀). Por eso me gustaría preguntarle acerca de entrenadores que hagan sesiones individuales, idealmente a domicilio. (Busqué en facebook alguno, pero los grupos de mascotas son 99% adopciones y 1% venta de accesorios)

The Complete Flutter Development Guide

Genuinely curious, what are some of this subs favorite artists/albums/tracks? And what’s the one thing you’d consider a “guilty pleasure”?

I don’t really believe in guilty pleasures. If I like it, I like it. Even if it is considered camp or crap by others. Two of my favorite albums is SEAL 1+2 and I get made fun more for that than when I play LAZERDIM700 or the cheesiest of old dance music

Decants, Bottles, Gifts and More

Y’all I recently just created a website for all of the perfumes that I have and I’m so proud of what I’ve done and wanted to share it with everybody. Let me know what you think. www.mysticaromas.net

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The numbers don't lie - there's a reason why 10,000+ customers rate monday.com 5 stars and use it as their work management platform. It’s the #1 platform to efficiently manage your team, work, and processes. Try it now!

The Complete Dart Development Guide

is jokić having the greatest offensive season in NBA history?

Jokić is averaging an absurd 30.1 PPG, 13.2 RPG, and 9.9 APG, shooting with incredible efficiency on 56.3/47.5/81 splits. At one point this season, the Nuggets boasted the best offensive rating in NBA history with him on the floor—and the worst of all time with him off. His 65% TS% and 31.6 PER put him in uncharted territory, redefining what dominance looks like in the modern NBA.

Do Axis still have a shot?

What is the best options for buying silver bullion online

The PHP 8 Learning Guide

[BW] Lohnsteuer auf Gehaltsmitteilung Februar zu hoch?!

Servus Kollegen, hat das LBV ggf. vergessen, den neuen Grundfreibetrag zu implementieren? Der Gehaltsrechner von öffentlicher-Dienst.Info sowie andere aktuelle Brutto Netto Rechner spucken mir einen niedrigeren Abzug aus als das LBV in der ganz neuen Gehaltsmitteilung angibt. Nutze ich das Steuerjahr 2024 kommt das Netto mit leichter Abweichung ungefähr hin. Wäre interessant zu erfahren ob ihr das auch schon bemerkt habt beziehungsweise auf was ihr es zurückführen würdet.

Any e-readers that can turn off ALL emitting light?!

I have seen a similar post but the answers were seemingly incorrect. I am looking for an e-reader to replace my really old Kindle 4th generation (that I basically just sideload books onto). All it has to do is show books really, but out of all the current e-readers around, even if they turn the backlight or frontlight to 0, they still emit light. I am looking for an e-reader where I can completely turn it off, so that when you are in complete darkness, you would not see be able to read. Does such a device exist anymore? Thank you!

We’ve been in decline since the dawn of civilization /s

We’ve been in decline since the dawn of civilization /s

Can't WP this sorry but...how'd I do for my first ever god pack?

friend code 3724552227283180

"> friend code 3724552227283180

Powerwall 2

I have an ADT installed solar system and powerwall2. I’m looking for a second powerwall2 and an installer who can help.

Standard ohio "pimp my ride"

Doordashed to these people

"> Doordashed to these people

Finally my home studio…

… space starts to look like I wanted it to. 😀 Looks a bit crowded, but I like it very much!

"> … space starts to look like I wanted it to. 😀 Looks a bit crowded, but I like it very much!

Breaking: Shooting at Antioch High School in Nashville Tennessee

# Breaking: Shooting at Antioch High School in Nashville Tennessee Today, January 22, 2025, a tragic shooting occurred at Antioch High School in Nashville, Tennessee. A 17-year-old student opened fire in the school cafeteria, fatally wounding a female student before taking his own life. Two other individuals were injured and are currently receiving treatment at Vanderbilt University Medical Center. The school, which houses approximately 2,000 students, was immediately placed on lockdown. Parents were advised to avoid the school premises and instead proceed to a designated reunification site, as students were being transported there by authorities. ***Duty Ron*** [https://www.youtube.com/live/ytYHiSZCD5E?si=nMrc9s\_d2zcMAAfx](https://www.youtube.com/live/ytYHiSZCD5E?si=nMrc9s_d2zcMAAfx)

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